MiCloud Applications

Activation Process

There are multiple options to activate the application.


Activate using a temporary activation code

  • From the activation view, fill in your username, your mobile number (including the country code e.g.+27827384756) or your custom user identifier.
  • You might also need to fill in the server address if it was not embedded in the application.
  • Press Get activation code button. An activation code will be sent to you by SMS (in case you provided mobile number) or by email.
  • Fill in the activation code and press Activate button.
  • If provided credentials are correct, your app is activated and should present you the main view.


Activate using your password

  • From the activation view, press the Login with username and password option.
  • Fill in your username or your custom user identifier and your password.
  • You might also need to fill in the server address if it was not embedded in the application.
  • Press Login button.
  • If provided credentials are correct, your app is activated and should present you the main view.