Busting UC myths

Busting UC myths

By Rikus Jansen, Head of EOH Voice and Unified Communications   To many people and organisations, UC is a silver bullet that will meet all modern and future communication and collaboration needs. To others it feels like an over-hyped new technology....
Tips to get the most out of work (and life)

Tips to get the most out of work (and life)

By Rikus Jansen, Head of EOH Voice and Unified Communications   Today I’m going to depart from my usual sort of topic and look at something completely different. By necessity we tend to focus on the immediate work in front of us on any given day, and forget...
Innovation through collaboration

Innovation through collaboration

By Rikus Jansen, Head of EOH Voice and Unified Communications   Innovation is a word that’s thrown around a lot. Every business wants to be perceived as innovative. So much so that many of them haven’t stopped to consider what this actually means....
Are your users in charge of their experience?

Are your users in charge of their experience?

By Rikus Jansen, Head of EOH Voice and Unified Communications   Time and time again we hear the same refrain: technology is the great enabler. Theoretically, at least, this is true, to the extent that innovative programmers and solutions architects are usually...
Why millennials are crying out for UC

Why millennials are crying out for UC

By Rikus Jansen, Head of EOH Voice and Unified Communications   There’s a lot of talk in the market about the impending on masse entry of millennials into the workplace, and the changes that this will bring about. Many of these changes are tied to behavioural...