Help: MiCloud Applications

Inbound Rules

To create a new rule, just click Add and follow the instructions to build a new rule with matching criteria and actions.  Activity matches the current presence activity when a call comes in. For example, when an activity is set to meeting, a rule for forwarding calls to voice mail can be created. Availability matches…
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Outbound Rules

To create a new rule, just click Add and follow the instructions to build a new rule with matching criteria and actions. Call destination matches against what the call’s destination is tagged with. Call source matches the call’s source to a list of tags. Date matches a date for the call. Day of week matches…
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Fallback Rules

To create a new rule, just click Add and follow the instructions to build a new rule with matching criteria and actions. Call is tagged matches against what the call is tagged with. Called party matches the type of caller by whether they are internal or external. This allows for different rules to be set….
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Rule Order

Each rule you create and define is added to an ordered list. When a rule is processed, MiCloud will evaluate and match the criteria of the first rule in the list. If the rule has no match, it will continue looking until it finds a match. You can change the rule order using the up…
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Future presence

When you want to schedule presence events, use Future presence. To add a new future event press +. Add your info, time period and if the event should be repeated, and if you need to map diversions to the activity, use the Activity Diversion setting.