External Applications > Features and Functionality

How do I configure external applications

Go to Settings > Advanced > External…, and use the +/- buttons to add or remove the external application. Double click the application you want to edit, and set the launch URI – this is the command that will allow the application to open. For example, URI. http://www.google.com will launch your web browser. MiCloud is so smart that you can use four special strings in the launch URI to auto-fill specific fields. To do this, use the Auto-Launch option and select Show shortcut. The shortcuts are:

  • $CALLINGNAME. During a call, this will become the name of the caller.
  • $CALLINGNUMBER. This will become the number of the caller.
  • $METATEXT. This is for ACD or Attendant queued calls, and will change to any Meta information in those calls.
  • $TRANSFERREDBY. If the call was transferred, this will be the name or the number of the person who transferred it.

If the string doesn’t apply to a specific call, it will be removed.